Top Tips From Industry Experts For Maintaining Your Walk-in Refrigeration System

Top Tips From Industry Experts For Maintaining Your Walk-in Refrigeration System

Top Tips From Industry Experts For Maintaining Your Walk-in Refrigeration System

By now, hopefully, you already know the company to trust for commercial kitchen repair service: Commercial Kitchen Services. We're always available to take care of your appliance and equipment maintenance and repair needs. However, as industry professionals with close to three decades of experience, we also like to help restaurateurs learn tricks of the trade to avoid common problems. Your walk-in cooler is a fundamental part of a functional kitchen. It doesn't matter if you have a fast food establishment or a fine dining restaurant; your walk-in cooler is the backbone of your refrigeration system, enabling you to buy food in bulk and avoid product waste. Take good care of your walk-in refrigeration system, which will help you save more money than you realize.

Follow These Steps For Maintaining Your Food Cooling system:

Your commercial restaurant is an investment, just like every component that makes up your restaurant and commercial kitchen. Although occasionally scheduling service for commercial kitchen repair is inevitable, the more you can take good care of your major appliances and culinary equipment, the better off your business will be. If you're looking for ways to care for your walk-in refrigerator and avoid ongoing repairs, use these helpful tips:

Make sure the lights are off when the cooler isn't in use. It may not seem like much, but this small amount of additional heat can cause your cooler to work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

Stop propping the door open! It's common for kitchen staff to prop the door open while loading stock or looking for something, but this time-saving hack puts your cooling system at risk of repair.

Periodically inspect for damage to the insulation on the suction lines between the condensing unit and evaporator coil. This is a common location for problems that frequently get overlooked.

Are the fans running at optimal speed? Over time, the motors tend to slow down, but it's gradual enough to go unnoticed. Slower fans don't do the job they're supposed to and can break down without being noticed for a considerable amount of time.

Contact The Experts Who Care

Our company is dedicated to client satisfaction. We take great pride in helping local restaurants not just survive, but thrive. When you need commercial kitchen repair for your walk-in refrigeration in Northbrook, call Commercial Kitchen Services for elite services. We look forward to assisting you with the services and advice you need to have great success with your local eatery.

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If you would like more information about our comprehensive offering of services and how we can cater to your needs, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team is ready to provide detailed insights and answer any questions you may have.

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